5.7 magnitude earthquake felt from Hilo to Kauai, Hawaii

"It just kept going. And, you know, being in a post in your home, it actually felt like the home was going to collapse. It was so strong ..."

5.7 magnitude earthquake felt from Hilo to Kauai
"It just kept going. And, you know, being in a post in your home, it actually felt like the home was going to collapse. It was so strong ...
KHON2 News
February 10, 2024

Video of Hilo "5.7 magnitude earthquake felt from Hilo to Kauai" added to our site on February 10, 2024, by KHON2 News.

Text description of video "5.7 magnitude earthquake felt from Hilo to Kauai" is "It just kept going. And, you know, being in a post in your home, it actually felt like the home was going to collapse. It was so strong ...

Video 5.7 magnitude earthquake felt from Hilo to Kauai has duration 1m 47s

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5.7 magnitude earthquake felt from Hilo to Kauai information

Published February 10, 2024
Views 19,594
Duration 1m 47s
Added by KHON2 News