Calvin traveling at 22 mph, about 600 miles east of Hilo, Hawaii

Calvin is currently a tropical storm with sustained winds of 45 mph moving west at 22 mph. Calvin is about 600 miles east of the ..."

Calvin traveling at 22 mph, about 600 miles east of Hilo
Calvin is currently a tropical storm with sustained winds of 45 mph moving west at 22 mph. Calvin is about 600 miles east of the ...
KHON2 News
July 18, 2023

Video of Hilo "Calvin traveling at 22 mph, about 600 miles east of Hilo" added to our site on July 18, 2023, by KHON2 News.

Text description of video "Calvin traveling at 22 mph, about 600 miles east of Hilo" is Calvin is currently a tropical storm with sustained winds of 45 mph moving west at 22 mph. Calvin is about 600 miles east of the ...

Video Calvin traveling at 22 mph, about 600 miles east of Hilo has duration 1m 39s

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Tags of Calvin traveling at 22 mph, about 600 miles east of Hilo

Calvin traveling at 22 mph, about 600 miles east of Hilo information

Published July 18, 2023
Views 7,055
Duration 1m 39s
Added by KHON2 News